
100+ Courses

6 Badge Tracks

2 Certifications


Our “nutrient dense” 5-10 minute courses are organized in categories, for fast hits of learning right when you need it.

But staff can also invest in deeper learning and earn digital badges and certifications for competency based skill-development through our patent-pending Cycles to Mastery® method.

Jump Start Your Brain 101

Level:  Beginner

Get started innovating, in as little as an hour.  You’ll learn how to think about innovation as a system, and how you can apply innovative thinking in your current role right now.

9 Courses

From Idea to Patent

Level:  Beginner

Leverage technology to leap frog the competition.  Learn not only how to invent something substantial, but how to write a provisional patent in about an hour!

4 Courses

Communicating Ideas

Level:  Beginner

If you can’t clearly communicate your idea, you have no hope of advancing it.  Learn how you can describe it so other see your idea as powerfully as you do.

8 Courses

Make Smarter Decisions with PDSA

Level:  Beginner

Fail Fast, Fail Cheap® isn’t just a phrase (yep, we’re the ones behind the ®).  There’s a disciplined method that makes it work.  Learn how to accelerate your innovation success with Plan, Do, Study, Act cycles of learning.

7 Courses

Organizational Design

Level:  Beginner

Setting a basic framework for innovation and a work process that helps you work smarter, not harder.

9 Courses

Innovative Leadership through Strategy

Level:  Beginner

How to define and communicate an inspiring mission that motivates teams and creates instant alignment.

5 Courses


Level:  Beginner

Leverage diversity and inclusion to exponentially improve your innovation.

10 Courses

Innovation System Design

Level:  Expert

Build a repeatable organization wide system for innovation that increases speed up to 6x and decreases risk 30 to 80%.

23 Courses

Building Teams to Win (Org Design)

Level:  Expert

Help people work smarter when it comes to innovation with a set of clear roles, responsiblities, guidelines and even meeting agendas that help you get the most our of your teams.

10 Courses

How to Lead Innovation

Level:  Expert

Doing innovation is one thing.  Leading it is another.  Learn how to create alignment, collaborate and coach others.

6 Courses

Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Level:  Expert

Turn idea feedback into a reliable system that works 6x faster and reduces bad decision risk 30 to 80%.

6 Courses

Estimating Value & Cost

Level:  Expert

Perform validated estimates even when you know nothing about the idea, the industry or category.

4 Courses

Quick Tools for Problem Solving

Level:  Beginner

Use tools to create better ideas instantly.  Learn not only how to identify the root cause of any problem, but fast ways to dissolve it.

4 Courses

Stimulus Mining

Level:  Beginner

Amplify your ideation by getting inspiration from stimulus.  Learn how to find the right mix of 6 different types of stimulus, collect it and present it to generate ideas instantly.

17 Courses

Human System Mapping & Improvement

Level:  Beginner

Systems exist everywhere in work.  And you can be imprisoned by them or work to improvement them.   Learn 4 steps to improving any work system that involves humans.

9 Courses

Concept Feedback

Level:  Beginner

Learn simple ways to improve what and how you communicate ideas and how to use feedback to make them better.

7 Courses

Innovation Math

Level:  Beginner

Learn to build confidence in your ideas with simple calculations of “upside potential” and “downside risk”, even when you don’t have any data or experience.

6 Courses

Qualitative Research

Level:  Beginner

Get feedback early and often to make smarter decisions through qualitative research – from external customer or investors or internal staff and collaborators.  (You don’t need to be a seasoned market-researcher to understand and use real-world qualitative research.)

7 Courses

Quantitative Research

Level:  Beginner

Increase your confidence on any judgement call and learn how to get and use hard numbered research to make informed decisions instead of picking at random.

7 Courses

Patents for Profits

Level:  Expert

In today’s economy, Intellectual Property is the most essential asset any organization has.  And, with most countries being “First to File” systems, if you don’t have a fast method to document and file provisional patents, you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.  Learn how to protect your ideas to secure a monopoly in hours.

5 Courses

Persuasive Selling for Ideas

Level:  Expert

Communicate your ideas like a pro to persuade others to help, contribute or buy it.

11 Courses

Development for Disruptive Ideas

Level:  Expert

Turn disruptive innovation into a reliable system by creating workflows, fast feedback loops and PDSA cycles to help reduce the risk of big ideas – all at a fraction of the cost and time.

8 Courses

Quick Tools

Level:  Expert

Amplify your innovation process with industrial strength tools that can help an entire enterprise think and act faster and more innovatively.

4 Courses


Where the video courses are built for quick consumption, the badge tracks and certifications take a more applied learning approach, blending models of Flipped Classroom, Formative Assessment and others.

They leverage our unique system of accelerated skill-development called Cycles to Mastery.

1. Digital Course

You first watch a collection of 5-7 minute digital courses to learn to get a grounding in the skill, its pedigree and how it’s best applied.

2. Lab

Taking the skill taught in the digital course, you then practice each skill with a simple assignment to demonstrate understanding.

Rounds of feedback ensure the learning targets are met.

3. Application

Next you applies a collection of skills to address a case-study challenge, requiring the synthesis of skills and their use.

Rounds of feedback ensure the learning targets are met.

4. Experience

Now the skills as a set are applied to a relevant challenge of your choosing.  This “real-world” application helps you connect the dots from theory, to practice and reality – creating new behaviors and outcomes.

Rounds of feedback ensure the learning targets are met.


5. Reflection

After having applied the skills and seen the results, you reflect on the effects and their new skill.  This self-reflection helps you galvanize the learning so it becomes a new way to think, versus an observation that doesn’t drive new action.

Innovation Engineering Blue Belt Certification

Level:  Beginner

In this course you’ll learn critical technical innovation skills, but more importantly you’ll apply your new skills immediately to solve your real-world challenges, with grading and feedback from a certified Innovation Engineering Black Belt coach.

Innovation Engineering Black Belt Certification

Level:  Expert

Learn the complete set of advanced skills needed to run high-risk, high-reward innovation projects, lead innovation across an enterprise and set up and sustains systems that support a culture of innovation.  All while getting the guidance and feedback of a certified Innovation Engineering Black Belt.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch or schedule a demo to talk about how to help your staff think smarter, faster and more innovatively right now.